ZeeAnn announced its joint company ZeeAnn FD to have a local Production Site in Korea to transfer its Production Process and build up the new production camp with SIIVC in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

ZeeAnn announced its joint company ZeeAnn FD to have a local Production Site in Korea to transfer its Production Process and build up the new production camp with SIIVC in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


ZeeAnn Co., Ltd.and FlatDis Co., Ltd. has been preparing forming of a joint venture to integrate each company’s strength to enhance both parties’ customers and create new markets by combining ZeeAnn’s new sensing display technology and FlatDis’ advanced Marine engineering and Plant instrument & control system manufactured by its Changwon production site. ZeeAnn & FlatDis recently agreed to form a join company “ZeeAnn FD” in order to enhance each party’s business and grow faster to meet the market’s demands. ZeeAnn and FlatDis are expecting rapid business growing with each party’s existing customers and create new market with strategic collaboration and localized plan in action under SIIVC’s great cooperation. ZeeAnn FD is going to implement the ready technology transfer and turnkey system set up to deliver ZeeAnn’s products to the market in Mid East Asia and Northern Africa as the first market with SIIVC’s strategic direction of Vision 2030.



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ZeeAnn moving for Creating New Market with SIIVC in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia under Vision 2030

ZeeAnn moving for Creating New Market with SIIVC in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia under Vision 2030


ZeeAnn Co., Ltd. has been focusing in developing its next generation image sensor customized for rapidly growing Electric Vehicle markets and its own advanced  micro display imager especially for new metaverse industry based on new Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Display with higher resolution for last 3 years. On April 19, 2021, ZeeAnn signed the MOA with SIIVC (Saudi International Industrial Village Company) to form a joint venture company in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the technology transfer of ZeeAnn’s Image sensor and Micro Display wafer packaging technology and its related System Design and manufacturing  company to create new market under the great cooperation from the government of  Saudi Arabia. The goal of this collaboration was to establish a manufacturing facility jointly in KSA that is managed and operated technically by ZeeAnn and SIIVC. Finally, on May 19, 2022, SIIVC officially announced Saudi-Korean Industrial Village development project kick off with the presence of the Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources, Mr. Bandar bin Ibrahim Al-Fall and the Deputy Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources Engineer Osama bin Abdul Aziz Zamil, with a workshop to introduce the services and incentives provided by the industry system and mineral wealth and its partners, in the presence of a number of Korean and local investors. The workshop witnessed the introduction of a proposal for the establishment of the Saudi-Korean Industrial Village project in Yanbu Industrial City, in order to support the program (made in Saudi Arabia), and achieve its strategic objectives in accordance with the directions of the Kingdom Vision 2030. ZeeAnn introduced its new advanced Sensing Micro Display hardware platform to plant it in Yanbu City as one of core development projects under the Kingdom Vision 2030. By mutual agreement between SIIVC and ZeeAnn, the SIIVC-ZeeAnn joint company in Yanby was registered and the new production in Camp is under construction to achieve the 1st production in Q4, 2023.



창업 6년만에 中수출 ‘빵’ 터졌다…”R&D인력 더 뽑아야죠”

창업 6년만에 中수출 ‘빵’ 터졌다…”R&D인력 더 뽑아야죠”


“회사 설립 3년째에 첫 매출이 발생했다. 힘겹게 버티면서 연구개발(R&D)에 매진한 덕분이 었다. 그 뒤로 3년 만인 올해, 중국 수출길이 ‘뻥’ 뚫리면서 매출 100억을 바라보고 있다.”
경기 하남에 있는 감시카메라용 이미지센서 제조업체 지안의 최병환 대표는 “연평균 매출액이 20억원대 초반이었는데 올해 중국 수출만 80억원이 발생했다”며 이같이 말했다.

지안은 2009년 LG반도체 출신인 최 대표가 전 직장 동료 3명과 의기투합해 만든 회사다. 그는 “현재 감시카메라는 30만화소가 대부분인데 우리는 100만화소를 일찌감치 준비했다”며
“전체 직원 16명 중 9명이 R&D 인력”이라고 설명했다.

2011년 첫 매출 3억원을 올리기까지 많은 어려움을 겪어야했다. 최 대표는 아파트를 담보로 대출을 받아 직원들 월급을 주기도 하고, 업계 지인들에게 돈을 빌리기도 했다. 지난해 매출
액 20억원을 기록했고, 올해는 매출액 100억원을 바라보고 있다. 그 사이 직원 수도 두배 가량 늘었다.
회사가 조금씩 커질수록 최 대표는 ‘모험’과 ‘투자’의 경계에서 고민해야했다. 그는 “블랙박스나 감시카메라 시장도 경쟁이 치열해 단가가 빠르게 낮아지고, 영업이익률도 매년 절반 수준
으로 떨어졌다”며 “중소기업청의 고성장기업 지원 사업에 선정돼 5억원의 R&D 자금을 받은게 가장 큰 힘이었다”고 설명했다. 지안은 R&D 자금으로 풀 HD급 감시용카메라 시장
을 선도하겠다는 포부다.

또 5000만원의 수출역량강화사업 보조금으로 회사 홈페이지를 전면 개편하고, 마케팅전담 인력 채용, 해외 보안카메라 전문지 광고홍보 등을 통해 제품 알리기에 적극 나서고 있다. 최
대표는 “앞으로 수출마케팅과 R&D인력을 보강해 중장기적으로 중국 법인도 설립할 계획”이라며 “내년엔 200억을 향해 달려가겠다”고 말했다.

창업 6년만에 中수출 ‘빵’ 터졌다…”R&D인력 더 뽑아야죠”
머니투데이 김하늬 기자 | 입력 : 2015.11.19 03:30
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